Friday, September 21, 2012

Future's Fate

Election days are quite important

Our future's now at stake.

But after several months of this...

My head begins to ache!

It's “I hate this, and that's a lie”

“It's time for someone new.”

It's said that neither candidate...

Has even got a clue!

I'm sick of all this squabbling

This rhetoric must cease.

I long for just a little bit...

Of electoral peace!

The Facebook pages come alive

With postings for the eye.

And later we will all find out...

That most were just a lie!

Republicans and Democrats

All fishing for your votes.

While Elephant and Donkey art...

Turns voters into goats!

They've turned a process made to give

The country it's best choice.

Into a three ring circus act...

Where everyone has voice.

I think I'll wait and listen for

The candidates debate.

To then decide what vote I'll cast...

To determine future's fate.
It won't be based on Tweet or Post
Or a catchy TV ad.
To base my future on a rant...
Would actually... be quite sad.
I'll do what I percieve is best
For the red and white and blue.
I'll disregard the poppycock...
America.....What say you?
A non-political poem by Clinton Gardner 2012

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