Saturday, October 20, 2012


The oldest of the Coulson clan
Born to James and Flo.
'Twas Kansas where it all began...
Where Scott would learn and grow.

Soon he had a little sister
They named her Eva Mae.
From Holton to Topeka High...
They lived and worked and played.

Norma was Scott's youngest sister
Boy could that girl sing!
Her birth the final piece to form...
The Coulson Family ring.

Scott then joined the military
A Sailor in the Navy.
A ships mate on a Battleship...
He sailed the stormy sea.

He served his Country strong and proud
In the midst of blood and war.
Surviving what was infamy...
That day at Pearl Harbor.

Earlene became his life long love
They raised two kids together;
Then grand kids came and life was fine...
Like Cali's sunny weather.

Love, and war, and auto-parts
Was the life of Scotty Coulson.
A beloved Husband, Brother, Dad...
And example for his Son.

It all began so long ago,
29th of late November.
The life he lived – a loyal one...
It's one we'll long remember.

The Coulson men who made us proud
Like James and Clint and Scott.
They'll always be remembered well...
By the one's -- who've not forgot.

We'll not forget the love he shared
Nor his service to his Country.
For the memories of the man called Bud...
Live on in Coulson history!

Scott Coulson Sr 1918-2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Happy Anniversary Rose

Today will mark a special day:

The day I married Rose.

What better day to post a bit...

Of my romantic prose.

Tis true that twelve long years ago

I said the words “I do”.

And should I have the chance again...

Those vows --would I renew!

For Rose has brought me happiness

And joy within my heart.

I pray our love will never spend...

A moment far apart.

The Judge said I could kiss the bride:

You can love her all your life.

That day began a lifelong love...

With Rose, my precious wife!

To run my hand across her skin

Still thrills my heart today.

Just as it did so long ago...

At the alter where we prayed.

I pledged to her undying love

“From this point ever hence”.

Then said I'd be her faithful love...

And have been ever since.

And though the times were sometimes tough

We stayed through thick and thin.

And we promise now – no matter what...

That we'd do it all again.

Love you Honey

Clint Gardner 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In Memory

Kami Simmonds

Cancer took a life today

She was way too young to die

She leaves behind two grieving girls

It makes me want to cry

A loving husband held her hand

He was with her all the way

There was no doubt for all who watched

It was his saddest day

A perfect match the day they met

Love lasted through the years

It isn't fair that such a love

Has ended now in tears

The children now must look ahead

Their family incomplete

Look forward to a future time

When Mom again they'll meet

In Heaven she will wait for them

Watch over them with love

She wants for them to know that she's...

At peace with God above.

And to her loving husband now

A thank-you she extends

For he has proven -- without doubt

His love will never end.

For now, know that she rests in peace

Now free of all her pain

She's waiting for that glorious day

When they'll all meet again.

Devoted wife and loving Mom

Twas a joy to be a part...

Of our life with you and now you'll live

Forever in our hearts.
In memory of Kami Simmonds who passed away at her home October 2nd, 2012; while her husband tenderly held her hand.
Clint Gardner 2012

Older Posts are comforting too