James was always tall and thin
He worked hard all his life.
Florence found his heart one spring…
She soon became his wife.
The only man I ever knew
Who drove a clanking street car.
He played a game of front porch checkers…
Like there was no tomorrow.
He took a million photographs;
Developed each himself!
And though he captured all of us…
He never caught himself.
He tinkered in his little shop;
Made wooden craft galore,
He gave them out to all he knew...
Then started making more.
He watched a zillion baseball games;
Knew all the players by name!
He’d tell you all about their stats
Their name -- and claim to fame.
His yard was quite immaculate.
Built a patio for feasts.
The front yard sidewalk always edged…
The Magnolia leaves -- policed.
And in the back for all the kids
The mighty swing so tall
The grandkids spending all the day
Soaring o're the wall!
His Studebaker in the drive
A pride none can deny.
The day Flo sold it…late in life
Twas the only day he cried.
James V. Coulson, a Kansas man.
Remembered…though long passed!
This Father’s Day we shant forget
The Legacy you cast.
In honor of James Vivian Coulson (1892-1971), my Grandfather

By Clinton Gardner 2011