I was too small to have much recollection of traveling up the mountain with Dad. But my older brother and sisters can remember.
When I was a kid and it was time for vacation,
If Dad said "Douglas Mountain", it was instant elation!
We'd pack up the station wagon and head out of town.
We'd turn off at Maybell; Dad knew his way around.
We stopped at Greystone, population 2.
A friendly couple ran the store and post office, and sold gasoline too.
We all used the outhouse located behind the store,
got a cold pop, and visited some more.
We drove a little further and then turned right.
"Douglas Mountain Blvd." was now in sight!
As we crept up the hill, all in low gear,
We kept a close lookout, for critters and deer.
Dad stopped along the way to check under the car,
And we'd stand at the edge of the mountain and see so far.
We had a panoramic view and saw miles away.
Even to Wyoming- and down to the Foote Place.
Then we headed up the mountain once again,
And suddenly, there's The Homestead, as we rounded a bend.
Dad and Grandpa built that they said.
It still stands today, and Dad was just a kid.
There were several head of cattle watchin' us and mooin'.
Some scrambled off the road wonderin' what we were doin'.
So we'd moo back as we drove past.
Won't be long now- we'll see the Maddox Place at last!
Before very long, there it would be!
The neat rustic house framed by mountains and trees.
The bunk house, corrals, and the outhouse of course.
Now we could play cowboys and indians- on a real horse!
We had lots of fun with Norma as she took us all over.
She had her own play house; I could stay here forever.
We'd climb the red-rock mountain with it's crevices and caves.
When we reached the top, we'd holler and wave.
Going to Douglas Mountain was always special and grand,
We're so thankful that we still can!
By Carole Gardner 2008.